I made this chart this morning. Apparently I did it way too early and wasn't fully awake yet since I left the last line off...sheesh! I figure for the last line "Stand for the Right", I will just have the kids stand up for the action. That way it will seem like it wasn't an accident that the line is missing off the poster. :)
(I did the words as a word bubble coming from President Monson's mouth)
Our Prophet has some words for you,
And these are the words: "Be True". "Be True".
At work, at play, In darkness or light
Be True, Be True, and Stand for the Right.
If anyone wants the clip art collage I did, just leave a comment and I will send them your way a.s.a.p. (One of these days I will figure out how to add PDF files on here).
I love it when songs are short and sweet like this! Everyone enjoy a much easier month of teaching the new song! :)