
Welcome to my little corner of the world wide web. :) What a blessing modern technology is. I'm so grateful for the websites and ideas that others have shared that have helped them to be successful in their homes, their service in the church, or in life in general. Thought I'd pass on a few things I've learned along the way on my life-long mission to become a better wife, mother, and in my service in the church. Thanks for stopping in!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Organization Binder

I've been in this calling for about 4 months now but I have yet to devise a system to keep everything I need in one place.  I just came across this awesome website with a great primary organization binder.  I thought I'd pass it along to anyone else who's struggled to get their act together. :)

I am usually a very organized person BUT I just hadn't quite figured out how to put it all together.  Fortunately someone else did it for me. :)