Oh this sad neglected blog. We had such a busy summer (can't believe it's already over). I'm trying to get back into the swing of things now. All four of my kiddos are off to school this year so that should leave me a little more time. First time in 13 1/2 years that I haven't had a little one in tow with me every day. It's going to be strange...and sad...and way too quiet around this place. :)
As the primary program nears, we have "learned" all of the songs, yet many of them leave much to be desired. As a Child of God is definitely one of those. I'm not sure why the kids didn't take to this song as well as it's such a beautiful song.
I decided that we needed to do some fine tuning. One of the teachers suggested that her kids weren't singing it because they didn't remember the words. Sometimes we learn the songs but then we move on and don't practice it again for awhile (my bad). I decided that if that class was struggling with the words, maybe there were others as well. I figured we might as well start back at square 1.
I made a poster with all of the verses (we have the chorus polished so I didn't put that one on the poster). I added a bunch of detachable bugs to the poster. Tomorrow we will focus on "getting the bugs" out of this song, whether it be learning the words, or working on dynamics. I am bringing a fly swatter (clean of course). :) As we polish the different verses, I will let the kids come and swat one of the bugs. The goal is to be "bug free" by the end of singing time.
Another fun idea I had for this as I have an adorable bee costume lying around...I will have one of the children wear the costume and buzz around the room as the children are singing. If the bee spots a child singing "BEE-autifully" he/she will sting them. Every person that gets a sting will get a little candy bug after sharing time. I don't think I will need to do the candy bug with Jr. as they just LOVE to sing for me but Senior may need a little added incentive.
Should be an enjoyable day and hopefully we can finally master this song! The program is sneaking up quickly.
***If anyone would like the poster, I have it saved as a pdf, and I'd be happy to email it to you. You would just have to take it into FedEx/kinkos to have it enlarged (or you can do what I did and just enlarge it at home on the printer and piece it all together-a trickier route but definitely cheaper).
I also created a pdf of the bug clipart if you would like that. Just let me know.
Good luck polishing up songs for the program everyone! :)

This is my cute little guy who "stung" the kids. I failed to mention that the "sting" was just a dot sticker. That's how I knew who got the bug candy at the end of singing time. Turns out the kids sang FANTASTIC in both Jr. and Sr. so they all got stung. Love it when that happens. :)
I love your poster! What a cute idea! I became chorister mid-year, and the kids are really struggling with the songs! We lose three Sundays before the program, so I'm panicking! This will be a great help. Could you please send both pdfs (poster and bugs) to patjohn53@gmail.com ? Thanks so much!!
ReplyDeleteI would love a copy of your cute poster (and any of the other songs if you did them!) lrees@apamail.org. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteWould love a copy of both pdf's if possible!! Such a cute idea and such a cute poster!
Thanks a bunch
I would love a copy of both PDF's please! Also if you have any PDF's or ideas for I'm trying to be like Jesus. Thanks!
I would love both please! rishels@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteCould I get a copy of your super cute bugs pdf? Thanks!!
I would love a copy of your bugs! :) Very cute!
I would love to use this. Please send me the pdf of both the song and the bugs if you can.