
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Moving on!

I haven't been very good about posting the last couple weeks but we are in the process of moving-TODAY!!! Thus, the post at 3 a.m.  I've been up all night just thinking about today.  So excited!  Figured I'd get caught up on here since I can't think of much else to do at this hour.

For tomorrow, I thought it would be fun and EASY (EASY being the honest reason) to do something that corresponds with our move.  This has nothing to do with the theme for the week of  "I am blessed when I choose to follow the prophet" but I figure that if I even show up tomorrow, I am doing good, right? :)

The kids are going to help me pack up for the big move. I put several items in a bag.  I want to make sure that I pack up these particular items for the move as they are some of the most important things to me.  I will call one child at a time to come up and pull out an item.  They will try to guess why that item is important to me and then put that item into my little suitcase.

Items include:
Picture of Family (definitely want to take them along)-  A happy Family
Scriptures- Book of Mormon stories
Picture of Jesus-   I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ
Popcorn (food-can't live with it, can't live without it) :) - Popcorn Popping
Towel (important to keep our bodies clean and pure)- My body is a temple

Obviously this music time would only really be applicable to someone who's moving but who knows, maybe one of you are as well and this would work for you too. :)  Have a great weekend!

UPDATE:  I actually was able to tie this into the theme after all with some last minute thinking.  I told the kids that I wanted to make sure that I had all of the things necessary in my new home to have the spirit there.  The prophet has taught me many things that I can do to have happiness in my home.  Then we went through all of the items in the bag and talked about how those items can bless our home.

Lucky You

Thought I'd take advantage of St. Patrick's Day while presenting the theme last week as they seemed to go hand in hand in a strange sort of way. :)

The theme for Week 3: God’s prophets and apostles speak to us in general conference.

I first introduced Lucky the Leprechaun and explained that Lucky is trying to find his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

I then explained that while we aren't trying to find an actual pot of gold, we are seeking a different, much more valuable "pot of gold".  Our pot of gold is to return to live with our Heavenly Father someday.  While we don't follow a rainbow to obtain our "pot of gold", if we follow the prophet and our church leaders-whom we will get to hear in conference in a few short days- and if we hold to the iron rod, we will be able to reach our "pot of gold" as well. 

I had a child come up and pick a shamrock.  Each shamrock had a song on it that corresponded with a gospel principle that we will be hearing about in conference next week that can help us return to live with our Heavenly Father (or at least I assume we will hear about all of these topics)
Follow the Prophet-110
Choose the Right-
As a Child of God
I hope they call me on a mission-169
I believe in Being Honest-149
Do as I’m doing (following the prophet-s example)-276
A happy Family (loving our family)-198

After they'd picked the song, I had a child come up and move Lucky across the rainbow (he's on a large clothes pin that just moved right along the top of the rainbow). 
Depending on how the kids sang on each of the songs, Lucky could try and reach his pot of gold each time.  If they sang really well, they'd move him all the way across.  The kids loved this for about the first 4 songs but then we changed it up and played Hot/Cold with one of the songs while a child tried to find the hidden Lucky. Turned out to be a fun, effective singing time.  Hopefully the kids have a greater desire to listen to conference next week so that they can reach their "pot of gold" someday.

 clipart (right click to save to your computer)