
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Traffic light singing aid

(click to enlarge image for directions)

A friend of mine had told me about this idea and I thought it'd be a fun addition to our singing time.

Where we'd polished our February song, I thought it would be fun to use to review January's song.  Is anyone else having a hard time with that song? I love it but it seems like I can't get a  lot back from the kids on that song.  I know it's in a pretty high key for me, which makes it hard for me to sing with much power, but that shouldn't be a problem for the kids where their voices are high.  Anyway, I wasn't sure if it's that they don't remember the words or just aren't putting a lot into it.  I thought this would be a fun way to keep reviewing it.

To preface the activity, I explained to the kids that just like choosing the right and keeping the commandments keep us safe from many things, traffic lights keep us safe from harm as well.  Just like the commandments,  they protect us.  

To use the traffic light for singing time, I brought a flashlight that would illuminate each of the colors.  I picked a name out of my singing jar and had that child come up to work the flashlight.  When they wanted the kids to sing, they'd flash the flashlight behind the "green"; "red" to stop-obviously.  At first we'd decided that "Yellow" would be teachers sing but the teachers were apparently feeling a little shy so we decided that "yellow" would be to hum.  That worked MUCH better! :)

I think in the end that we spent more time on the "yellow" and "red" but that's okay.  It was a fun way to change it up a little bit.  The kids seemed to really enjoy it. 

And BTW, I realized AFTER I took the picture that the stop light is upside down.  Yet another blonde moment. :)