
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

CTR Armor of God

I had been trying to come up with an idea to present the theme "Choose the Right" for the year that would correspond well with our music time.  Last year I'd done the Celestial Singers chart and it worked like a charm in helping us track of our progress with the songs.  I wanted to try a different way this year that went along with the theme.

This scripture in D& C 27:15 kept coming to mind. Wherefore, lift up your hearts and rejoice, and gird up your loins, and take upon you my whole armor, that ye may be able to withstand the evil day, having done all, that ye may be able to stand.

 To introduce the theme for the year and how it corresponded to our music,  I told them that as we Choose The Right in the decisions we make and the way we live, we are strengthened with the whole armor of God.  Throughout the year we would be working on that goal.  

I made this little guy-actually not so little, he's about 2 ft tall.  The primary kids named him Bob.  I attached him to some foam core for stability as we will be using him throughout the year.

Over the next several months, as we master the different songs for the primary program, we will add a piece of armor to Bob.  Each song is assigned a piece of armor (I wrote it on the back of each piece).  

  Once they master a particular song, we will add that piece of armor to Bob. By the time we have our sacrament presentation, Bob will have the complete armor of God.
The kids loved this when I presented it on Sunday.  Hopefully it will be as effective as the Celestial Singers Chart.  

If anyone wants the pattern for "Bob" or the armor, let me know. I'd be happy to email it to you.  Apparently I didn't get the drawing gene in my family.  It's nothing special but it served its purpose with the kids anyway. :)