
Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's a wrap!!!

We FINALLY had our program today.  The kids did amazing!   What a treat to have this be the way my time as the Chorister wraps up as I was released today as well.  I will miss this calling!  Jealous of the rest of you who get to keep on singing with the wee ones but I'm excited to work with the young women of the ward as well.  May have to plan a special musical number for the girls just so that I can keep on singing. :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012


So the only thing in this church that never changes is the fact that everything always changes. :)

I was just called as a Counselor in the YW presidency today.  I will miss my little primary munchkins so very much but I am excited about the new calling as well.  While I am officially in YW now, I am still in Primary as we have two weeks until our Program.  It's going to be an interesting couple of weeks trying to juggle that schedule.

Tonight we were sitting around the table and I was joking that "Mormon Mama on a Mission" has come to and end.  So sad! Guess I will just have to start sharing YW activity ideas on here instead as I've really enjoyed sharing my ideas (well, some were borrowed) on this blog.

Good luck to everyone who has yet to do their Primary program. Congrats to everyone else that already has finished up their program and can breathe a sigh of relief!  That will be a very happy day! :)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"Scare" away the scary

Just two weeks of practice left before the Primary program.  I feel like the kids are ready.  They absolutely nailed it two Sundays ago during music time and did so again this Sunday. There were just three little "scary" spots in the entire run through (they actually weren't that scary but it went well with my theme for this last Sunday) so that's what we called them. :)

The kids kept messing up a few words in Choose the Right, not totally confident in the second verse of When I am baptized, and one word they kept getting wrong in another song. All pretty easy fixes.

I brought in a scarecrow and attached three crows to him. I explained to the kids that we needed to scare away the crows.  Each of the crows had the trouble spots listed on the back.  I watched for the kids who were singing extra well and called on them to come up and pic a crow.  Once we polished that particular area, the kids flew the crow away and we moved onto the next crow.


Once we finished up with that song, I taught them a cute little Fall version on Popcorn Popping called "Five Little Pumpkins" that I found here:

I didn't think that Sr. Primary would want to try it out but they were even on board.  I brought in a pumpkin to represent our Pumpkin patch.   Great day and so happy that the kids are doing so fantastic in preparation for the program.  Should be great!

If anyone wants the crow clipart, let me know! :)