
Saturday, August 25, 2012

BOB is fully armored!

Remember this guy that I presented at the first of the year? Go here for more info. on Bob.

Well, here we are at the end of August and Bob is sporting his full armor.  Yeah!  We've "learned" all of the songs for the Primary program so each piece of armor that corresponds with each song is on him BUT we definitely have many areas of different songs that still need work. 

I was trying to figure out how we could keep working on Bob even though he is already fully geared.  Then, the other day, I saw my little 5-year old playing with a rubber shield and a plastic sword and I had a light bulb moment.  YES, Bob has on all of his armor BUT some of his armor is not as strong as it needs to be...just like my son's rubber shield (a lot of good that's going to do him if he goes to battle). :)  I decided that we would review all of the songs we are doing for the program and determine the strength of each piece of armor. 

I chose three different armor strengths:
Rubber-meaning that the song is very weak and needs a lot of work to make it as strong as possible
Sterling Silver-We're getting there but we definitely could be stronger
Titanium-Couldn't possibly get any stronger.  Nailed it!

Last Sunday I presented this idea to the kids and showed them the little rubber shield.  They totally caught on to what we needed to do to help Bob and they worked hard to ensure we had him covered.  We definitely still need work on some of the second and third verses of songs (thus the Sterling Silver).

Here's how Bob looked after Sr. Primary this last week:

This week (tomorrow) we will focus on some of those weaker songs (especially the Rubber song-yikes!)  As a whole though, I am very happy with the kid's efforts and I think we will be just fine by the time the program rolls around.  

1 comment:

  1. Could I please have a copy of your BOB template? Do you have templates for the armor too? I would live to incorporate BOB into our singing time program review. Thank you!
