
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Worked like a charm

What a difference a week, and a little static noise, can make. :)  Like I'd posted previously, two weeks ago we had such a difficult time with reverence during our music time.  I knew that it needed to be addressed the next week.

When I got up to start music time the next week, I played a 20 second clip of static noise quite loud (like the static on the tv) and while doing so I recited the words to the new song we were learning, "As a Child of God".  Definitely got the kid's attention.  The kids just stared at me not knowing what was going on.  After the 20 seconds, I explained to them that we'd learned a beautiful new song the previous week with such a powerful message and yet we missed the message and spirit of the song because of our lack of reverence.

I explained that we live in a world where there's so much noise and so many distractions.  It can be difficult to feel the spirit with all the busyness and noise around us.  What a blessing it is that we can come to church each Sunday and feel the spirit through singing the music.  I know for me personally, it is through music that I can be touched by the spirit the most.  That's probably why I love this calling so much.  I have such a strong testimony of the power of music for good.  I want the kids to understand that. We don't just sing these songs to pass time.  We are learning and growing in the gospel as we sing.  The spirit can bear witness of the truthfulness of the message in the songs.

I think the kids got the point. They were fantastic this last week.  It was such a nice change from the previous week and I slept much better that night because of it. :) 


  1. I LOVE this idea. I have a white noise App on my Cell Phone, so the next time my kids are not being reverent during singing time, I will try this!

  2. AWESOME idea! I have an ipad that I use for dice rolling, spinning wheel, pics, etc. The kids love it. And I happen to just have found a sleeping app that has a "white noise" option! We have a HUGE primary so reverence is always an issue we deal with on a weekly basis. I'm going to use this next week when I'm introducing Choose the Right. Thanks a bunch!
