
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fun Christmas Gift Ideas

I typically just post about music ideas on here (as that's my current calling), I want this blog to be well rounded.  Since it is Christmas time and everyone is looking for fun ideas, thought I'd throw some ideas out there for easy/inexpensive Christmas gift ideas (because frugal is how I roll) :) .

I have a ton of self control with my eating until Christmas time rolls around.  While I love me some sugary goodness during the holiday, I hate feeling sick all of December because of it.  Last year I opted to forgo making oodles and oodles of goodies-because I inevitable indulge-and instead did a cd with a compilation of our family favorite Christmas Jingles.  They turned out super cute BUT it would have been helpful if I'd burned them onto CD's instead of DVD's.  I had quite a few people give me a hard time about that.  What can I say, I am not the most techy person in the world.  Once I realized-or rather, once it was pointed out- :) what I'd done, I redid the rest on the correct type of CD.  They were a hit!

Here's the label I made. You are welcome to use.  Just right click the image and save to your computer.

Note pad with gift card to teacher's favorite restaurant (or wherever) with note attached that says "You have been the WRITE kid of teacher for me"!

Teacher's favorite soda with note attached that says "Thank you for QUENCHING my thirst for knowledge".  Gift card to favorite restaurant attached.

I was running short on time for neighbor's gifts so we just popped up a huge batch of caramel popcorn, threw them in some cute bags, and attached a note saying "Just wanted to POP in to wish you a Merry Christmas"!  Super simple but so yummy!

Fleece Blanket with note attached "FLEECE Navidad" for Specials teachers.

and this year...

Neighbor gift-
White Chocolate Chex mix- He's Making a list and "Chex"ing it twice.  He's gonna find out you've been awfully nice.

Preschool Teacher gift-
The class went in on a gift card but I wanted to do something cute and personal as well.  Framed collage of all the kiddos names.  My little guy helped me pick out fonts and colors for all of his friends.  It was a lot of fun to put together.

 Teacher Gift
Gift cards for teacher with a fun touch as well..."SANTA"tizer hand sanitizer.  What teacher doesn't needs some of that in the classroom, especially this time of year.