What to do:
I made a big 18" ladybug. On the back of each spot on the ladybug , I put the name of the songs we're singing in the program. I'll place the ladybug up front on the board. I'll explain to the kids that while there are lots of cold and flu "bugs" going around this time of year, there's an even more contagious bug going around- the "Singing Bug".
I'll have one of the kids come up and pick a spot off the ladybug. We'll begin by singing that song. With the help of the Primary presidency, we will walk around the room with the dots (garage sale stickers) and place one on each of the kids who are really putting an effort into singing. Once they get a dot, it means that they are infected with the "Singing Bug" and the only cure is the "S" pills (Skittles) in my jar. We will continue to put a dot on each of the kids for each one of the songs we review. I am hoping that even the kids that usually don't participate much will jump on board and become infected with the "Singing Bug" as well.
By the time we are done going through all of the songs, hopefully the kids will be covered with dots and they can trade those in for the "S" pills after primary.
UPDATE: Huge success today! Kids loved it and sang their hearts out.